Author Archives: thefeltstudiowendy

Moy Mackay Teaching at the Felt Studio this week…spaces available….

The lovely Moy Mackay from Scotland will be teaching two classes in my studio in[...]

Koala Conventions

Hello !! I am preparing to teach at Koala Conventions and thought you might love[...]

Some new work ….

It seems the year is flying by very fast. At last some images of my[...]

A New Year!

Just returned from a teaching trip to New Zealand.  I cannot believe it is nearly[...]

What’s happening at The Felt Studio?

Well……I have been busy making all sorts of felty goodies for my exhibition with Sharyn[...]

Jorie Johnson’s class 2 spaces remaining!

  New Newsletter….September 2013…Lots of news…Click on the bar above to find your way. Due[...]

Felting Convergence in NSW

Just back from 5 days at the 12th Southern Hemisphere Felters’ Convergence at Stanwell Tops[...]

Anna Gunnarsdottir

Anna will be here soon..One lucky last vacancy still available for this amazing tutor! September[...]

Natural Dyeing….

Pam de Groots natural dyeing and freedom construction class at the Felt much fun[...]

Wendy makes space!

Life is amazing,exciting and full of change.Have been feeling for quite a while now that[...]