Author Archives: thefeltstudiowendy
Felt Flower Designs
Have a look at Felt Flower Designs our new flower design video. How to make flat flower[...]
Colours of nature
Some natural dyeing from my garden……Eucalypts and rose and fern, onion skin and grevillea…..
Back from ” The Centre”
Just back from Central Australia! What an experience, walking, walking, climbing and more walking….and a[...]
Our first You Tube Video!!
We have just uploaded a new You Tube Video on how to make a solid[...]
Some more photos and Monet!
Nothing like a huge project for a beginner feltmaker! Wendy Wilson came to me for[...]
Fibre Fest You Have to Come!
Fibre Fest 2013: An exhibition by members of Qld Spinners Weavers & Fibre Artists Ltd Dates[...]
Jorie Johnson from Japan at The Felt Studio
Stop Press …Unexpectedly and wonderfully , Jorie Johnson will be joining us all the way[...]