Textures and Patterns in Nature


Online course with Wendy Bailye

Coming 1st January 2024/Registration opens Nov 1st 2023  

Please note the change of date for the start of this class!

Do you find the natural world inspiring? 

Have you wanted to re-create the textures and patterns you see, but perhaps lack the confidence to experiment?

Have you wanted to make work that is more personal and referenced to your life and the places you visit and live?

Would you like to take your felting skills to a new level?

I have designed a new intensive sampling workshop exploring the colours, patterns and textures in the natural world that can inspire your felt work and show you how to create unique surfaces. It will be a fantastic sampling journey creating from nature’s palette. You will have the freedom to explore and create your own designs and benefit from my years of experience as I guide you throughout the course. My other course 50 Shades of Grey,Felt! is NOT a prerequisite to doing this course, but it is a great adjunct to Textures and Patterns course. The material from one leads well to the next course.

In this workshop you will learn how to recreate specific textures on your felt surface including using photographs as your source documents and nature as your reference point. This sampling class will result in a variety of experimental techniques leading to the creation of your own unique surface textures and patterns. You will learn a lot about the sampling process and how to successfully trial experimental techniques. You will be encouraged to take your own images as source material for your felt work. This class will help you to access creative ways to explore textures and patterns referenced from your own area or places you have visited.

This will be a very personal nature-based felt exploration. In the class, you will learn a variety of fabric printing and dyeing techniques, develop textural skills using a vast array of feltmaking techniques and materials, explore  machine stitching and applique on your felt surface. You will learn how to design a surface that is interesting and imaginative. You will be encouraged to explore useful, easy and cheap/free technologies that will help you with your design processes. The class will use colour but you could also use a neutral palette of your choice and a wide range of materials. We will work mainly in a 2D format but options will be shown for 3D work. 

I am so excited to be working on this new course to share with you. I hope you can join me.

Enter your details below to subscribe to email updates specific to this course.

N.B. If you have done my class 50 shades of Grey, Felt! you will have a good grounding in felting techniques that will easily be extended and developed further in this new class and with the welcome addition of colour – though you could still choose to work in shades of grey!

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