The New Year Begins!

The New Year Begins

How lovely is a New Year! So many plans, reflections and dreams. I grew out of the habit of making New Year resolutions and now focus on creating a “feel”   for the year! I focus on a few words that seem to resonate with what I would like to create in my life during the year.

As many of you are aware my working life is currently shape shifting as COVID continues to de-stabilise my working life, especially as I have relied on traveling and teaching for a big part of my career. I do miss it. I really miss the community of teachers and learners that I have been blessed to spend time with.

The upside of not traveling and teaching is that I have had more time to concentrate on my own work and this has been a wonderful thing.

I have had extra time to head to Minjerribah and to make art with no distractions. This has been fabulous. I have been working on some mono-printed artworks that reference the sea life around me. My last trip resulted in selling 12 artworks to lovely clients, which was a much needed boost! I do still have some original prints available if you would like some. They are $120 each unframed. 

Arts Trail and Open Studio 2024

Our wonderful Arts Trail will be on again in June and Iwill be doing workshops[...]

Online Class open for registration now!

My online class is open for registration now and opens for tuition on the 12th[...]

Arts Trail coming up!

Well, it has been ages since I wrote a blog post! Keeping up with social[...]

Original Fine Quality Art Prints

Fine quality prints of my original feltworks are now available online in a variety of[...]

The New Year Begins!

So many ideas, hopes and dreams!